Degrees are conferred upon all candidates during the Commencement ceremony, but students do not receive individual diplomas. At the Old Campus ceremony, symbolic diplomas are presented to student marshals, who accept them on behalf of fellow degree candidates. The official Latin diplomas are distributed at a separate ceremony in each residential college and professional school. Diplomas for the Graduate School are presented in Woolsey Hall and Horchow Hall.
Diploma ceremonies in some colleges and schools may last until 1:45 p.m., so lunch could be later than usual for many guests. A packed snack might be prudent, especially for younger or older family members.
If you are not planning to attend Commencement or for degrees conferred mid-year, you may elect to have your diploma mailed or schedule a pick up time by completing the Diploma Request Form. A sample translation is available on the Diplomas Website. If you require an official translation, please complete an Application for Translation.